FT Replenishment
Assembled forcing lever kit for 98" clearance arms - 67.8" long..
Standard touchscreen for V2 and V3 minis. Resistive touch...
Kit assembled in house contianing T30, T40, and 3/8" T- Handle keys for assembling and disassembling..
Used in all Smart Stations, Wall Mounts, and Sales Devices. Standard C-56 thermal printer. It is sui..
Standard Kiosk Door Key..
Standard #18 keys (2 keys) for locks installed in gate column from the manufacturer..
Microdrive gate controller used in every gate. Also known as the MGC..
Replacement power supply used in every gate..
CRITICAL COMPONENT - CANNOT DEVIATE. Was used in all older smart stations. Currently used in all V2 ..
Grounded Microphone. Used in all minis. Replaced part number 99-11-0001. Can be used as a replacemen..
Used in all Standard Smart Stations, Key Incryption included. Standard Magstripe reader..
Showing 16 to 30 of 54 (4 Pages)